Some Koochiching County homes and businesses are closer to getting high-speed internet thanks to a $2,562,916 grant recently announced by the State of Minnesota Office of Broadband Development. The Paul Bunyan Communications – North Central Minnesota Fiber Project will upgrade approximately 914 unserved and 439 under-served locations in parts of the Leech Lake Indian Reservation and rural portions of Cass, Itasca, Koochiching and St. Louis counties. “Service is expected to be available in all of these areas by the spring of 2022” says Steve Howard, Paul Bunyan Information Technology and Development Manager. In a funding partnership with the State of Minnesota, Minnesota Iron Range Resource & Rehabilitation Board (IRRRB), Koochiching… Read More
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Koochiching County Establishes Benchmark with Intelligent Community Report
Results Will Help County Track Progress Koochiching Technology Initiative (KTI) recently received a report outlining the county’s performance in key areas that determine competitiveness and quality of life in today’s digital economy. Developed by the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), a global organization that helps communities effectively adapt to the demands of the broadband economy, the report compares Koochiching County to other communities large and small in urban, suburban and rural areas. “Our main goal in working on the ICF evaluation was to establish a benchmark,” says KTI steering committee member Jim Yount. “We are laying the groundwork for substantial improvements for our community as a whole.” Communities are scored on… Read More
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Past Projects Funded by KTI and BBC
Koochiching Technology Initiative (KTI) is accepting grant applications for digital technology projects until December 13. This is the second round of funding that encourages community vitality by addressing the six Intelligent Community pillars of: Broadband; Knowledge Workforce; Innovation; Digital Equality; Sustainability; and Advocacy. Funding is provided by the Blandin Foundation through their Blandin Broadband Community (BBC) program. The BBC program favors requests around $5,000 or less, with a limit of $25,000. The group’s steering committee is available to help project leaders bring their ideas to fruition by facilitating a strong application for BBC and other funding sources. Past projects which have already received KTI/BBC funding include: Public wifi in Smokey… Read More
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Informational Meetings Nov. 26
We’re looking for great ideas for using technology to make our community an even better place! EVERYONE is welcome to an informational meeting to find out more about applying for a grant through KTI in partnership with the Blandin Foundation. KTI members will be on-hand to answer questions and help develop ideas. Tuesday, November 26 at Noon and 6 p.m. Ballan’s i-Space 4th Street, Int’l Falls Click here for application information.
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PBS Almanac Highlights Kooch County
Click the link below to view the PBS Almanac news story featuring Koochiching County as an example of the need for broadband in rural Minnesota. Includes interviews and information regarding: Tom Dougherty of Rainy Lake Houseboats Thunderbird Lodge Joe Mershon, Koochiching Technology Initiative Frontier Communications Paul Bunyan Communications DEED border-to-border grants PBS Almanac “Broadband Struggles in Northern Minnesota” (5m 52s)
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Sample: Letter of Support
Paul Bunyan Communications Attn: Steve Howard, 1831 Anne St NW, Bemidji, MN 56601 email: DATE To Whom it May Concern, I’m writing to express my support for the Paul Bunyan Communications grant application that would make it possible to offer broadband services in my area. My husband/wife/family and I live in ______________, in Koochiching County. While we love living here, lack of strong, reliable internet hampers our quality of life. We can’t do many of the things people in other areas may take for granted: checking email, sharing pictures with family, connecting through social media and much more. High speed internet would also make work-from-home opportunities possible in our area,… Read More
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Kabetogama Support Needed by August 21
Paul Bunyan Communications has announced it is seeking grant funding for a broadband project in Koochiching County. The first grant, through IRRRB, includes Kabetogama and is DUE AUGUST 21. You can help increase the application’s likelihood of success by writing letters of support to: Paul Bunyan Communications Attn: Steve Howard 1831 Anne St NW Bemidji, MN 56601 Or email The company is also applying for grants for other areas in the county through the Border-to-Border Broadband program. More information regarding the projects areas and what you can do to help will be available soon. Please share this information with your neighbors to help spread the word and get broadband access… Read More
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Fill Out the Survey
High Density + High Interest = Broadband Service In order for ISPs and grant funders to consider an area for broadband, there needs to be high population density AND high local interest in the service. Our five priority areas for broadband service (Rogers Corner, Ray, Kabetogama, Pelland Junction and Rainy Lake) have a high density of homes and business, now it’s up to residents to show high interest. Luckily, that’s easy to do through the online survey! Simply click the links below and share with friends! Ray Pelland Junction Rainy Lake Roger’s Corner Kabetogama
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